Alaslaskettujen kattojen kipsielementit. Määritelmät, vaatimukset ja testimenetelmät
Gypsum elements for suspended ceilings. Definitions, requirements and test methods
Standardin soveltamisala fi | |
Standardin soveltamisala en | This European Standard specifies the characteristics and performance of factory made cast gypsum elements, for which the main intended uses are the construction of suspended ceilings under universal substrates. It covers the following product performance characteristics: reaction to fire, water vapour permeability, flexural strength (expressed as breaking load) and thermal resistance (expressed as thermal conductivity). The following performance characteristics are linked to systems assembled with gypsum elements for suspended ceilings: fire resistance, direct airborne sound insulation and acoustic absorption, which can be measured according to the corresponding European test methods. If required, tests should be done on assembled system simulating the end use conditions. This European Standard describes the reference tests for technical specifications. This European Standard also covers additional technical characteristics that are of importance for the use and the acceptance of the product by the construction industry and the reference tests for these characteristics. It provides for the evaluation of conformity of the product to this European Standard. This European Standard does not cover metal ceiling grids or plasterboard products. This European Standard excludes stiffening timber roof truss structure applications. |
Soveltamisstandardi | |
Verkkokauppa | |
CENin julkaisupäivämäärä | 2006-06-07 |
SFS:n vahvistuspäivämäärä | 2006-08-21 |
Tekninen komitea | CEN/TC 241 |
Toimialayhteisö | RTT |
Standardointiryhmä | RTT/SR 018 Kipsituotteet CEN/TC 241 |
Toimialayhdyshenkilö | Kari Silvennoinen |
Tuoteryhmät | 91.100.10 |
90.016 | |
Lisätietoja | AVCP-luokka 3 kun käytetään paloverhouksena tai ääniteknisiä vaatimuksia AVCP-luokka 4 muut käyttökohteet |
Verkkokauppa | |