Kipsilevyjen saumausaineet. Määritelmät, vaatimukset ja testimenetelmät
Jointing materials for gypsum plasterboards. Definitions, requirements and test methods
Standardin soveltamisala fi | |
Standardin soveltamisala en | The document specifies the requirements of jointing compounds and paper tapes for use with gypsum plasterboard complying with EN 520, products from secondary processing of this board and gypsum boards with fibrous reinforcement. This document covers materials applied by hand and by machine. Eight types of compounds are specified. Compounds based on gypsum and other materials are covered. Also specified are the paper tapes which are used in suitable jointing systems. This document covers the following characteristics: reaction to fire and flexural strength, to be measured according to the corresponding European test methods. It also covers additional technical characteristics that are of importance for the use and acceptance of the product by the Construction Industry. It defines the reference test methods for technical specifications. It provides for the evaluation of conformity of the product to this document. Annex A specifies the sampling procedure for testing. This document does not cover tapes which are made from materials other than paper. |
Soveltamisstandardi | |
Verkkokauppa | |
CENin julkaisupäivämäärä | 2005-05-18 |
SFS:n vahvistuspäivämäärä | 2005-06-27 |
Tekninen komitea | CEN/TC 241 |
Toimialayhteisö | RTT |
Standardointiryhmä | RTT/SR 018 Kipsituotteet CEN/TC 241 |
Toimialayhdyshenkilö | Kari Silvennoinen |
Tuoteryhmät | 91.100.10 |
90.016 | |
Lisätietoja | AVCP-luokka 3 kun palokäyttäytymisvaatimuksia, jotka osoitetaan testaamalla AVCP-luokka 4 kun palokäyttäytymisvaatimuksia, jotka osoitetaan ilman testausta tai muut käyttökohteet |
Verkkokauppa | |